Graduate Medical Education Meal Policy For
Interns, Residents and Fellows
Policy Number: 2
Date Issued: 1994
Prior Revision Date:10/2009
  Date Revised: 07/2013

PURPOSE To define the policy by which meals are provided to all interns, residents and fellows (hereafter all will be referred to as trainees).
SCOPE Applies to all trainees participating in graduate medical education training programs on the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas (THD) campus.

Meal Allowances for Residents in THD-Sponsored Training Programs:
An annual meal allowance indicated below will be credited to each trainee on the first day of their academic training year.
$950 to each Internal Medicine Resident
$1440 to each Colon Rectal Surgery Fellow and Advanced Gynecological Surgery Fellow
When dining in the main cafeteria, trainees will present their ID badge to the cashier for payment. A receipt will be generated informing trainees of the dollar amount spent and the dollar amount remaining on their individual meal allowance. After the annual meal allowance has been spent, trainees are responsible for payment of their own food. Each trainee will be limited to spending a maximum amount of $12 per visit to the cafeteria. Meal allowances will not carry over into the next training year.

Meal Allowance for Residents in non THD-Sponsored Training Programs:
A monthly meal allowance indicated below will be credited to each trainee on the first day of their monthly rotation.
$75.00 to each trainee in Gastroenterology, Physical Medicine, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, Orthopedics, and Emergency Medicine
$120.00 to each trainee in Surgery
Each trainee will be limited to spending a maximum amount of $12 per visit to the cafeteria.

Medical Director, Graduate Medical Education                             

Chief Medical Officer